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Friday, September 14, 2007

A New Beginning

Here I am entering the world of blogging after years of hanging out on political blogs-- to start an arts and crafts blog. Well, why not? I was making art before I took a serious interest in politics. And if the personal is political, than the running of a business as an artist and artisan is most definitely political. After all, I wouldn't be spending so much time on creative work if I hadn't had my health destroyed in a "safe" work environment, as a clerk in an office.
I consider it a lesson in following one's heart and gut. If you are doing something where you aren't just unhappy sometimes, but truly stifled, sick, and miserable, Get Out of there and follow your bliss.
These days I have a store on etsy, a site for handmade goods. It's -- I've only been there for a month, and already I've made three sales and have had a chance to do a lot of talking with other crafters and artists.

The muse whispers that I have said enough for my first post, and that I should leave you with a seasonal haiku I wrote:

Fall scatters gold coin;
The world is enriched again,
Prosperous, content.

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