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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

One thing about making jewelry

Even on days when asthma and vertigo are being unkind to me, I can always manage to get a few things done. I wish the same was true of painting, but handling little tasks like washing brushes are hard for me on days like this, and brushes must be washed to keep them in condition.

As far as jewelry goes, I think I'm a bit unusual in combining wood and stone, but I love items with real wood and stones combined. Nothing but nature against my skin, as it were. This bracelet combines 3 shades of wood with smaller coral spheres. I love the look because it could go perfectly with summer outfits-- sort of driftwood and coral suggestion of exotic vacations-- or the warm, earthy tones of fall.

This is in my etsy shop right now for $7.50. I'll give a dollar off to any one who contacts me about it (there's a button on the store to do so) and mentions my blog. I think the Muse of Merchants is telling me to bribe people to read!

here's a silly haiku I wrote back when I was calling into a corporation about some matter...
A pleasant voice speaks:
It thanks me for holding...
Like I had a choice.


Hyla said...

Off to check out that bracelet!

Please check out my blog!

MillieDog Designs said...

That's a gorgeous bracelet!

Thanks so much for naming my necklace. I quite like it!

Helen Krummenacker said...

I'm glad I could help, milliedog. That's a wonderful focal piece.

Hyla, we're both in fae_etsy. I know I've looked over the autumn fairy before, and I just remembered we were the main people bumping the voting poll, and have been talking on the mailing list. I'm Krummenacker.
She looks like gingerbread to me, although much more fancy in decoration than I ever made. I'll make sure to add you to my blog roll.